Thursday, February 26, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up

Dear Parents

This week we did a lot of things. Like going on a felled trip to the Rock Bridge
High school panatrem the showed the inside of a person body it was freaky. And a conollashen of the Wednesday night sky at 6:25 to 7:00.

This week in math we learned about translate, flip, reflation. And more Geometry stuff. And made a little poster.

In read Lowed we finish The Lemonade War. Scott pester Stoll all of Jessie money because Evan had Jessie money for revenge on her for putting bugs in there lemonade then Evan had it in is shorts and then he tock of the shorts and went swimming at pals house. So Scott had to go to the restroom but he look at Evan’s short and tock it right out.



Friday, February 20, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up

Next week is parent teacher conferences! I am so excited to get to meet with you all and talk about the great things your kids are doing!

Monday is our non-referral party for second trimester. Students that did not receive an office referral will be participating in a craft day in the media center from 9:20 - 10:10.

On Tuesday, we will be taking our field trip to the Planetarium! We do not need chaperones or parent volunteers.

We will have music on Monday, Art on Tuesday, Media and Library Check-Out on Wednesday, and PE on Thursday.

Reading logs are coming home today. If they didn't already, they can cross off Thursday because it is due Thursday morning! We don't have school on Friday!

Read below to hear about our week from Grant!


Dear family’s

This week we are learning that there are more then one kind of triangle, they can be all shapes
And sizes. We also learned about wheat and soy beans from miss root, the class got to make bread at home for the wheat thing and for the

Soy bean project the class tried knew milk. The milks were soy bean milk, regular milk chocolate milk, butter milk. The class learned a lot more stuff about parallelograms to and did a project for it. 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up

Dear families,
Thank you so much for all your help at the Valentine's Day party and for sending in snacks and treats! The kids had a lot of fun. You can look at our twitter feed to the right and see some pictures!

Next week, there is no school on Monday. Enjoy your President's Day! Specials will be Music, Art, Library Checkout, and PE (in that order, Tuesday-Friday).

The following week is Conference Week! There are confirmation notes in your child's Friday Folder today. Please confirm that you received the note and are aware of your conference time (or mark that you need a new time) and send it back with your child on Tuesday! Thank you.

We will also be going on a short field trip that week! I haven't even told the kids yet... We will be going to Rock Bridge High School to visit the Planetarium on Tuesday, February 24th in the morning. It will not interfere with specials (it's a D day so we have Art in the afternoon) or lunch that day (the question many kids will ask!).

I will be submitting the book order tomorrow. If your order is meant to be a surprise, please let me know and I will contact you when the order comes in.

Have a wonderful weekend! Keep reading to read about what we did in class this week!


Dear Mill Creek Families,
     This week our class had a 100 No Excuse spelling test. We also had a multiplication test.
 We read chapters of “The Lemonade War” by Jacqueline Davies.  Miss Baxter read us “The House on Dirty-Third Street”  for the Show-Me Awards.
      Today we played around the world with multiplication facts. Also in math, we learned about geometry, different types of triangles, obtuse angles, acute angles, and right angles.
     In science, our class took turns going to the hallway doing an experiment. One person held the push-pull meter, one person let go of the weight, and one person kept track of how far it went, and wrote it down.
      In music, we learned a type of music called soundpainting. We played different instruments at different times and it sounded pretty.
     We also went to the computer lab to work on our informational writing.



Friday, February 6, 2015

Weekly Wrap Up

Well, that snow day on Monday and the late start Thursday ruined the only five day week we were going to have in February. I'm glad our superintendent has our student and his staffs' safety in mind!

We will not be in school on February 13th, 16th, or 27th.

Book orders are coming home this week in Friday Folders. I know I've already had an online order placed. I will submit all orders on February 13th (it is a teacher work day). There is a coupon attached to the orders for a free book valued at $5 with a $10 or more purchase. To use this coupon online, simply enter the coupon code found in the bottom right corner. This coupon can also be saved to be used in March. But don't lose it! I don't have extras and each code is different.

Thursday, February 12th is our Valentine's party. Be on the lookout for an e-mail from our wonderful room mom about the party. Notes came home this week with a class list and information about Valentine's Boxes. Please help your child create some kind of box, bag, or container to receive Valentine cards! We will exchange cards in the morning. There are 27 students in our class.

I will send home conference notes at the end of next week to confirm conference times.

You may hear your child talking about a couple of different people in and out of our room lately. Ms. Gaebler is an MU student working on her degree in Education. She will be here on Wednesday and Friday, observing and helping out.

I have signed us up for a free program offered through MU called Ag on the Move. Ms. Rutz is our instructor. She will come in for ten lessons about various farming related things that will help us learn about plant and life sciences, soil, and nutrition: all things in our third grade curriculum!

Keep practicing those multiplication facts! We have moved onto geometry but will still do timed tests and have occasional homework!

Specials next week are: Music, Art, Library Check-out and Media, PE.

Read on to hear about our week from Caden!

Hi family’s we have been doing riley good at math  and this week it is grants birthday and we are riley good at whiting  ever one of as are done  with inform shin whiting and they are all printed   and we have bin quite at read to self and are doing science finale. Now we are doing push and pull and we are done reading chalets web and now we are reading the lemonade war and we are doing geometry and we are lining lines.