Friday, October 31, 2014

Weekly Update

Whew! What a fun day! Thank you everybody for treats and guest reading! I think the kids really enjoyed it and it was a nice break from our routine :)

Your child should be coming home with three new books! One from Scholastic (for placing a book order this month, they sent a class set of books!), one from our amazing PTA, and one as a special gift from me. After a lot of trading around, I think everybody wound up with something they were happy with!

In your child’s Friday Folder is a note with your scheduled conference day and time. If, for some strange reason, this note doesn't make it home, please let me know ASAP so we can confirm your time!

Next week: No school on Tuesday! It's a teacher work day. Don't forget to get out there and vote!
Monday - Media and Library Check-Out
Wednesday - PE
Thursday - Music
Friday - Art

Below is Eddie's update for the week!


Dear family’s,                                                                                               Oct. 31, 2014   

It was a great week. On Monday it was normal. Morning work, handwriting, math, recces, lunch, and writing. But we started word work. On Tuesday it was normal except that for math we started inches and centimeters. We didn't do too bad.  On Wednesday we were almost finished with our personal narratives. It was very exiting. We also had a no talking day. On Thursday we got assigned seats at lunch. For science we did a cool science project about mucus. We spread fake mucus on a plate to see how many fake germs it could catch. It caught a lot of them. Today we had a reading assemble. We are going to have a couple of parent readers. At the end of the day we will finally be able to go home and wait for Halloween to strike.       

Friday, October 24, 2014

Weekly Update

The kids did a great job this week! Amazing what a difference being able to be outside made. Today was Mizzou Black and Gold day. I didn't get a chance to get a picture. We were working hard to get things done all day! Most of us finished our Graphing Posters. They are currently on display in the hallway. We also are almost ready to publish our personal narratives! We have been working hard editing and conferencing. We did a lot with the iPads and laptops this week. And we started our health unit. Ask your child about germs, viruses, bacteria, and infectious diseases. Maybe they can tell you about what white and red blood cells do, too!

Next week is our big celebration of reading on Friday! I am so excited! We have a lot of parent volunteers coming in to read to us throughout the day. Don't forget to dress up like your favorite book character! I have my costume all ready to go... but it's a secret! 

Don't forget to sign up for a conference time with me if you haven't done that yet! 
I've had 19 responses already! You guys are amazing! I hope to confirm times with everybody next week... but it will depend on if I get a chance to coordinate times with other teachers for siblings' conferences, too. 

We will have a DABCD week next week, so specials are Art, Media (and library check-out), PE, Music, and Art (in that order). 

Below is our student post this week so keep on reading!

Have a wonderful weekend! 


Dear Class,
              We had a magnificent week! We had two drills.
Brandon got corporation conger. We got iPads.
       We ordered books. We will start multiplication .We are starting small steps. We played four corners. 
We started health.    
       Small steps is a girl that has polio. In health we learned about germs and disease.


Friday, October 17, 2014

Our Week

Specials next week are...
Monday - Music
Tuesday - Art
Wednesday - Library Check Out and Media
Thursday - PE
Friday - Music

Don't forget to be getting your book character costume ready for the 31st!

Student blog post is below!

This week was ruff  but werd. On Monday we  had a sub Mrs.mucalend .on Tuesday we celibate Makala’s birth day.
On  Wensday  we had a math test.                                                          
On Thursday  we had the worst day ever!   
Today we had heavenly hats day. We also watched a video about preschool kids
Eating  marshmallows.
                                                 Then we started math.
It was awesome!
Back to Makala’s’ birthday, her treats were donuts. That was my favorite.             
We did around the world.
Around the world is a game we play. HOW YOU PLAY
Is with flash cards and a race who can beat the most people out of the flash cards .

I hope you like this.

Sincerely, Bode  

Friday, October 10, 2014

Lots of Notes and News

Dear families,

There is a lot of important information this week! 

I’ve discussed with the kids a few times this week, but wanted to let you know also that I will not be at school on Monday. Our substitute will be Mrs. McClelland; she has worked in our building for many years and may be a familiar face to some! 

Book orders are due on Monday, but I will also accept them on Tuesday. Don’t forget that you can order online, too! The class code is L922Y to order online. Hopefully you saw the $5 coupon for a free book if you order $10 or more. This was a wonderful gift from Scholastic.

In Blue Take Home folders this week, there is a copy of the 100 No Excuse words. Words that are circled are words that your child missed back in August. Please help your child practice these words. We will reassess three more times this year (before each conference time and at the end of the year). It took me a while to figure out how I wanted to share this information with you, so I apologize for the delay in getting it to you. 

Last week, there was a paper in Friday Folders explaining how students could log into with their computer log-in and a password. The password was handwritten on the paper. I apologize for any illegibility or confusion about the password. I have taken some time this week to change all the passwords to cougars01. This will be easier for the students to remember and much easier to read and type! 

Every Friday we take time to reflect upon our week and write in our Family Communication Journal. Each week one student gets to reflect upon our week in a  more public forum on our blog ( Please take a few minutes of your time to respond to your child’s letter to you, demonstrating proper friendly letter format. I read each one before it comes home and have students fix some mistakes or rewrite for clarification, but please keep in mind that these are pieces of writing that have been conferenced on, revised, and rewritten. 

I also wanted to take a couple minutes to let you know my process in checking over papers. If it is completed in class, I usually check it over and look at it to provide as immediate feedback as possible. This allows me to see if a student is struggling with a particular task and help them on the spot. I also typically check homework the day it is due. There is no point in assigning work if I don’t plan to check it and use the information to adapt my teaching to the needs of the students. That said, I wanted to let you know that we don’t pass papers back and send them home everyday due to the amount of time it takes to pass papers out. I don’t want you to think they are sitting in a pile ungraded on my table though! 

Next week, there is a non-perishable food drive being held at school sponsored by Student Council. Ending the week on the 17th, there is a Student Council sponsored Heavenly Hat day. For $1, students may wear a hat at school on Friday the 17th. Donations will go towards the Heavenly Hat Foundation. More information on these two events can be found in Friday Folders this week!

One more thing… there is a flier in Friday Folders about PTA Reflections. The theme this year is “The world would be a better place if….” What a fun theme! Check the flier for more information about PTA Reflections!

As always, please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with or if you have any questions.

Please read below for Matthew's summary of our week!
Monday - PE
Tuesday - Music
Wednesday - Art
Thursday - Library Check Out and Media
Friday - PE


Friday October 10, 2014

Dear parents,

I am 9 years old. I was lunch tub this week.
I had fun at school picking my friends for lunch tub this week.
Lucy was my best kid to pick for lunch tub. She was also our
Cooperating couger this week. My class also started a new read aloud called, NO TALKING. I hope you have a great day. We learned how to subtract by regrouping. In specials today I did fast math.
We did the pacer test in p.e.  IN writing we learned how to use paragraphs.
We did reading buddies with ms. Reinkemeyers class.



Friday, October 3, 2014

Notes and News

We are really moving fast through the year! In Friday Folders today are more book orders. I will have a faster turn around time for them this month. Please place your order online or send it in with your child with a check made to Scholastic by October 13th. It is a MONDAY this time. I will place the orders on the 14th by the end of the day, and hopefully books will arrive by that Friday.

A lot of important upcoming dates:
Wednesday the 8th: Walk to School day! Details in the school newsletter are coming home today! The 8th is also the flu clinic day if you have given permission for your child to receive a flu vaccine. Wednesday the 15th: picture retake day
October 31st: Celebration of Books! Students may dress up as their favorite book character (more details are in the school newsletter).
November 7th: Non-referral Party. Students who do not receive a bus or office referral before then will be allowed to participate.

I think that's about it for now... though I am probably forgetting something. Oh, and I hope to see you at fun fest tonight! Hopefully the sky stays clear! I will be working selling tickets  between 6:00 and 6:30.

Specials next week are:
Monday - Library Check-Out and Media
Tuesday - PE
Wednesday - Music
Thursday - Art
Friday - Library Check-Out and Media

Congratulations to Delaney for being Cooperating Cougar this week!

See below for our student update submitted by Lola!

Dear parents,                                                                                                          October 3, 2014

        In school we did lots of things! On Tuesday Lucy brought in treats which were donuts! Tuesday afternoon we (our class) went to assembly about the blues! J  On Wednesday we did our normal morning runten. We are doing a fun feast tonight and it is going really fun and you parents come! We did fast math this morning and streach and they were both were fun for some people. We had indoor reaces for three days in a row! L we had a realy realy realy fun time!!!J Have a great weekend!                                                                                            
