Monday, September 30, 2013

Computer Lab and Classroom Request

We go to the computer lab multiple times a week to work in FASTT Math and myON reader. The headphones provided in the lab do not always work well. I strongly recommend sending in a personal pair of headphones to be kept in your student's locker for personal use.

We've begun our school wide Mail Club! I have a couple of requests for supplies and materials to make Mail Club letter writing a little more fun. First, we would love to have letter sized envelopes to use to mail our letters. Secondly, if  you have any old stickers laying around, we could use them as stamps on our envelopes. Please send in anything you're willing to donate for class use. Thank you!

Blogging Beginnings...

Today while the kids had a glorious day off, I was here at school slaving away at creating a new classroom blog! Hopefully we'll work as a class to keep it updated with all the latest news and happenings of our class.